Aviation school
A flight school is looking for pilots and flight attendants.
To become a member of the air crew, it is important to have good health.
Therefore, before starting school, you must undergo a medical examination at
KidsCity Hospital. The cost of the medical examination is 25 pounds. Training
at the Aviation School takes place in two stages. At first, future aviators
take a theoretical course on the work of the flight crew, types of aircraft,
and learn about the structure of the aircraft and safety. Then they practice
their practical skills during a training flight. Pilots train to launch the
aircraft independently, take off and land. Flight attendants learn how to
provide passengers with safety instructions. After graduation, the School's
graduates will make their first passenger flight. Our students are
distinguished by their independence, discipline, and sense of humor; they are
able to find a way out of any situation.
The Aviation School also invites all KidsСity residents to make an
unforgettable trip on an airplane as passengers.